Young Adults


Young Adults is for those between the ages 18-30 who are looking for a community of people who will pour into one another and build each other up! This led by our Young Adults Pastor, Harrison Eash.

When & Where

Our Young Adult ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month in our Selah Cafe. The night begins with dinner at 6:30pm, followed by a message at 7pm.

There is time after the message to reflect on message and discuss with those around you!


We understand the stress and burdens that can weigh on a young adult’s life. With trying to figure out what’s next in life, figuring out who God has called them to be, all the while trying to balance their work life and social life.

That’s why this ministry exist here at Faith Center. We want other young adults to know that they are not alone in this journey and that there are so many more who are dealing with the same issues!